Eleanor Smith, made her debut on the OSET PR-1 at the ACU girl’s nationals in Oxfordshire.  Riding out of class, Eleanor, has taken up the reins where older brother left off with the PR-1 to ride the protoype machine.

Dad and founder of OSET Bikes, Ian said: “We are super proud of Eleanor, she’s had a couple of years of just tinkering around on bikes so to step back into competition is great.  Whilst she rode out of class, she had a great day and is looking forward to the next round. Getting her trials-mojo back on an OSET was lovely to see.”

Meanwhile Summer Brooksbank, stepped up to ride the C-Class on her OSET 20.0 – despite being two years too young for the division!  Dad, Andy Brooksbank, said: “We couldn’t be more proud of Summer!  She gave everything 110% and more to finish fourth in class!” Very impressive!

There were several OSET ‘alumni’ riding, including Sophie Bailey, who stepped off her prototype OSET 24.0 onto petrol and took the top spot in the C-Class convincingly.

Ian added: “As a manufacturer and parent I think there is a real opportunity to run a D-Class at national level for girls.  There are certainly enough riders and bikes out there to make it a competitive class and provide a realistic introduction to what it takes to compete at the highest youth level.”

